

科学教师Tom Draski将于6月退休. 生物学狂热者, tennis coach 和 longtime Catholic Leaguer has spent the last 21 years of his career in education at Fenwick
TD: I have a bachelor of science degree in biological sciences [from Southern Illinois University] 和 a master of science degree in biology [from Chicago State University].

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
TD: 我一直是一名教师和教练. 我的教学/教练生涯是从圣. 劳伦斯H.S. 教生物和人体解剖学/生理学. I started as the frosh/soph boys’ tennis coach 和 six years later became the varsity boys’ tennis coach. I came to Fenwick in 1998 w在这里 I have taught amazing students in biology 和 human anatomy/physiology. I have had the pleasure to coach both the boys 和 girls’ frosh/soph tennis teams. I was the Varsity Scholastic Bowl coach at Fenwick from 1999 to 2011. 我已经协调了 Fenwick Quetico之旅 以及esball世博·威利斯大厦楼梯行走筹款活动.

TD: 我倾向于在夏天读更多的书. The books I have read in the last few summers that I have enjoyed have been The Devil in the White City, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The Shack, 夫人. Magrady的书 行  炼金术士.

TD: 我喜欢户外活动. I enjoy gardening, camping, visiting state 和 national parks, 和 playing tennis. 我也喜欢烹饪的创造力. 我从不使用食谱.

To what teams 和/or clubs did you belong as a student?
TD: 作为德拉萨的学生, 我参与了校内活动, 摄影俱乐部, 学生会及, 自然, 科学俱乐部.

TD: I have for 21 years, 和 still, coach the girls 和 boys’ frosh/soph tennis teams. Each year they provide excitement 和 great satisfaction. I have been able to bring the Quetico trip experience to Fenwick. Over the years I have taken hundreds of Friars to experience true nature.

TD: esball世博的学生给我留下了深刻的印象. They strive for excellence in the class 和 in athletic competition. 学生们学习esball世博的伟大传统. I have enjoyed my time with Fenwick students who are friendly, teachable 和 receptive to change.

When did you decide to become a teacher, 和 why did you choose this field?
TD: Interestingly, a freshman in one of my classes asked that question a few months ago. 我的回答是,我认为教书会很有趣. 我的回答没有后续问题. 后来,我把这个故事转述给了刘先生. 新郎. 他接着问了我一个恰当的问题. “这很有趣吗?我的回答是一个大大的“是的”.” I have always enjoyed the stimulation of teaching in the class, 在实验室里, 在网球场上. 我现在依然如此. When students 和 athletes can see you have a love 和 passion for what you do they respond with the effort they need for success. If you love what you do, you will never have to work a day in your life. 教学和指导是神奇的.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
TD: I love to get excited for every topic I teach 和 coach 和 show passion in my teaching. 每一节课, 每年, 有机会教授和指导一个新的故事吗, 面对好奇的观众. Some days have been diamonds, some days have been stones. 我努力做到公平,为成功而教书.

TD: 绝对生物学! 这就是我们生活的意义所在. I want my students to underst和 they are citizens 和 stewards of our planet. We can control our health 和 affect the health of others around us. I hope my students underst和 that we are not alone on our planet, 但我们共同编织了一幅美丽的生活挂毯.

TD: When my students have experienced success when I encouraged them to think. 我在课堂上教的时候会问很多问题. The answers to those questions are not as important as having my students think about possible answers. 我的学生不应该害怕错误的答案, as they should know they can learn with a right or wrong answer. I encourage my students to reach conclusions on their own, 然后他们可以自己体验成功. I love 和 appreciate the personal notes I have gotten from students 和 athletes over the years. Whenever I read them, they inspire me 和 remind me of my humanity.

TD: I believe my students face a challenge 和 crisis involving technology. I hope they can find a balance between the benefits of information 和 the potential negativity of social media. They need to not lose the value 和 importance of interpersonal communication skills. They need not be afraid to have a willingness to lead rather than follow. 他们不应该不愿意挑战自己.

因为你今年要退休了, are t在这里 any thoughts or words you would like to share with the Fenwick community?
TD: Over the years, I have met amazing students, wonderful parents 和 caring faculty. 能够和我的两个最亲密的朋友一起工作. 阿雷拉诺和阿雷拉诺先生. 沙利文,我很激动. I appreciate all the support 和 help I have gotten from the parents of my tennis teams 和 parents of my students. Being able to teach 和 coach girls after spending decades at an all-boys school has been a highlight of my teaching 和 coaching career.
I have shared with various groups what I think are the most important seven words we can say. 在你的生活中经常使用它们. 我现在和你分享. “对不起.” 我很抱歉我曾经伤害过你. “谢谢你.” Thank you all for the wonderful memories you have given me about Fenwick 和 its community. “我爱你。.” 我爱你们,是你们让我的生活如此幸福. 还有我最喜欢的一首诗, “胜利者”:“……迟早是胜利者。, 是那个认为自己可以的人吗.”
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